Blush High Tea @ Home

Any date that works for you
Registrations to Participate in this event are
A High Tea @ Home  is a relaxed way to help raise funds for Blush.  Just invite a few friends and friends-of-friends for a beautiful afternoon or morning tea at your home.  Make it as glamorous or quirky as you like.  

The Fund Raising part comes from a few little extra steps:
Sell tickets to attend
Run a raffle at the tea
Have a tablet or computer set up to the Blush Merchandise Page so people can order items  - we can help you out with a few samples to raise interest
Have a tablet or computer set up to the Blush Donations Page

If you would like to know more about how to run a High Tea @ Home, contact our resident expert, Dianna Riggall.  Di can give you all  the information and tips on things like invitations, cash handling, merchandise etc etc. 

To contact Di, email her on

