Sponsors & Donors
Blush Cancer Care Inc. is very fortunate to have assistance from many local businesses (some of which appear below), schools, sporting clubs, community groups and private individuals who selflessly support Blush. This support may be in the way of monetary sponsorships or donations, raffle prizes, handmade items and participation in our various fund-raising activities. Our heartfelt thanks go to these supporters whose help and generosity, greatly assists Blush to provide care to our breast cancer patients throughout their cancer journey: from diagnosis, to treatment, and beyond.
Blush acknowledges many of these supporters on our Facebook page.
Click on the ‘Social Media Link’ below to keep up-to-date with these acknowledgements.
Please support the businesses that support Blush
"Locals Supporting Locals"
Support Us
Take a look at our latest Blush Merchandise and pick something up to support a great cause.