Fundraising Proposal Form

Are you interested in hosting an event to benefit Blush Cancer Care?

We would love to hear from you. Please fill out this form and we will be in touch shortly.

Thank you for your interest in supporting Blush Cancer Care Inc. through a proposed fundraising event. After completing the details below, please submit this form so that we can be fully informed about your great idea! When your proposal has been received, it will be presented at the next Blush Events Committee meeting, at which time, a Blush Representative will be assigned to converse with you regarding this proposal.


Name of Event: Your event must not be named or branded as a Blush Event. Your event should only be advertised as an event in aid or support of Blush Cancer Care Inc.

Social Media: Please note: Items to be posted on the Blush Social Media (Facebook and Instagram) need to be submitted to Blush at least two weeks prior to the date when you would like them posted. Simply submit a photo with details to be posted, including the name of people or businesses who you wish to be tagged.

Please forward this information to

Some Finer Details:

  • Blush Cancer Care Inc. cannot provide insurance cover for your fundraising event. Please ensure your function/event hire venue has adequate public liability cover; and meets all legislative and necessary permit/licence requirements. We require the person/group choosing to fundraise to commit to fundraising in an ethical way that aligns with the values of Blush Cancer Care Inc.

  • The person/group organising the event/activity must not in any way bring the Blush Cancer Care Inc. brand into disrepute. The person/group must not conduct any events that involve: violent activities; activities that present inherent or unreasonable risk; the sale or promotion of tobacco or illegal drugs as these events will not be approved or endorsed. Blush Cancer Care Inc. takes no responsibility for the financial outcome of the event/activity.

  • The person/group agrees to be honest in their handling of money that they have committed to donate, and not to exploit the position as a Community Fundraiser for Blush Cancer Care Inc. for personal gain. All funds raised should be returned to Blush Cancer Care Inc. within four weeks of this fundraising event/activity ending.

Disclaimer: Blush Cancer Care Inc. reserves the right to withdraw its approval of this event/activity and cancel any association at any time. Management of the event is the sole responsibility of the person or group proposing the fundraiser. Blush Cancer Care Inc. will not undertake any co-ordination roles and will not become involved in soliciting prizes or organising publicity. There is a range of ways Blush can support you and your efforts, depending on the nature of your event. This will be discussed with you by our Blush Representative.

Note: In submitting this proposal on behalf of yourself, or your business or organisation, you understand and agree to the above conditions.